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Interview with an Author: N.D. Testa

The Book Dragon

N.D. Testa realized at a young age that her true passion is telling stories. Her goal is to give readers an escape from reality with her books.

What got you into writing your own stories?

I've been writing and telling stories since I was a little girl. I create stories to tell my little sister every night before she went to bed. I grew up reading a lot with my mom and dad.

What genre do you write?

I write fantasy but I also like to challenge myself and write other genres. I like to write mystery and romance.

Tell us about your WIP.

My WIP is a fantasy series titled The Sapphora Series. It's about a young woman who realizes her entire life has been a lie. She is an Egyptian sorceress and princess from an alternate realm. She must remember how to use her powers to defeat an ancient foe on her next birthday which is the winter solestice. Things soon become complicated when she falls for an Egyptian God and finds out relationships with ancient deities are forbidden.

How would you describe your writing style?

I like to think my writing style is the kind that everyone can read and enjoy.

What comes more easily, plot or characters?

The plot because characters take more time to develop.

Have you written any animal characters?

Yes. In a lot of my short stories the main character have animal sidekicks that talk. One of the stories I wrote for the Enchanted Anthologies Collection was about a mermaid who had twin narwhals as friends.

What is your "writer's den" like?

I don't have a writer's den at the moment. I hope to one day. I sit on my bed with my laptop and do all of my writing.

How do you get into the flow for writing? Do you have any rituals?

All my writing takes place at nighttime. I usually have a cup of tea and get to writing. Many times I'm tired when I sit down to write but it's the only time I can do it so I push through.

Do you have examples of minority representation in your writing?

Yes, I have examples of minority representation in my writing. It's important to me because I want everyone to feel represented in my books and enjoy reading. My upcoming series Sapphora features many characters of different races and different backgrounds.

What is your personally most significant achievement as a writer?

At this moment, my most significant achievement as a writer was publishing my first book. It takes a lot to self-publish a book. A lot of trial and error. I'm grateful to be able to put my books out into the world for people to read and enjoy.

What would be the greatest achievement for you to aim for as a writer if anything were possible?

I would love to be an author full time and make a living writing books. Also I would love for my books to end up on the New York Times Best Seller list and get made into movies. Right now my current goal is to get the orange banner for one of my books in the Amazon store.

What are you most grateful for as a writer?

I'm most grateful to everyone who has given my books a chance and the readers who support me. I'm nothing without them.

Has a real-life experience informed your writing? Share the scene it inspired.

I think every author incorporates real-life experiences into their writing. Many of my books have trials and tribulations that I have gone through in my real life. I feel like if readers see characters overcoming similar situations that they are encountering, they will be inspired to persevere. In addition, many times I will take a situation from my life where I didn't like the outcome and I will rewrite it into my stories with the ending I wanted.

Do you read the same genre you write? Why, or why not?

Yes I do. I don't get to read as much as I like but I love reading fantasy and escaping to different realms.

Do you read fellow indie authors' works? Why or why not?

Yes I do. I believe it's important to support each other and I learn a lot from my fellow indies.

Give us three fun facts about yourself.

  • I'm trilingual.

  • I got two masters degrees from two different universities at the same time.

  • I love make-up and skincare routines.

What is something about you that few people know?

It takes a lot for me to open up to people. But when I do, I'll go to the ends of the earth for people I care about.

Do you have any hobbies?

Yes. I am big into fitness, I go to the gym five days a week and workout. I love animals. I go horseback riding with my sister. I snowboard and I like to play basketball and lacrosse.

What's your favorite holiday?

I like Christmas, Thankgiving, and Easter. I like the time spent with family and I love the food. Being Italian there is always delicious food that I only get to eat once a year so I take the time to indulge.

What's your favorite season?

I love autumn. I like apple and pumpkin picking. I enjoy the cooler weather, bonfires, and the beauty of the changing leaves.

What's your favorite movie?

The Fast and Furious Series. I'm big into action movies and I love fast cars.

Is there a cause that's important to you?

Animals and children have always had a special place in my heart. I am big on helping animals in shelters find loving and caring homes. Also helping children in the foster care system get adapted by families who love them. I'm also drawn to causes that help the homeless.

Featured Book: Shards of Secrecy: Book 1 of The Sapphora Series

This is a series I have been working on for almost 15 years. It has taken on so many different forms and I'm so grateful to finally have it out into the world.

Who was your favorite character to write?

Sapphora is my favorite character to write because she is me. A lot of the situations she goes through have been based off my life. She is a powerful female sorceress and I hope she will inspire many young woman to go after their dreams, find their inner beauty, and stay true to themselves.

What was your favorite scene to write?

My favorite scenes to write were between the main character and her love interest. I'm a sucker for romance. I love the slow burn between characters that builds throughout the story.

What was the most interesting random fact you researched for this book?

My book series revolves around Egyptian Mythology. It was a lot of fun researching about Egyptian life and the gods/goddesses.

What was the spark that started this book?

The spark that started this book series was I wanted a female fantasy character to inspire young woman. I grew up reading Harry Potter and Percy Jackson while I loved the series, I always wanted to read a female version. It was then I decided to create my own.

What's the message you worked into this book?

Our lives don't always turn out like we planned but with the right people in our corner we can get through anything. Throughout all the trials and tribulations continue to stay strong and have hope.


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