I read this book a while ago and just realised I forgot to share my review. So, here it is!
This is such a great book! If you love urban fantasy, portal fantasy with fae and snarky MCs, this is the book for you! It's unforgettable, funny and so, so good!
I love the way Talia bumbles her way through the story. She's naive and uninformed (and we can blame all the side characters for keeping her that way because they thought they were sheltering her) but still she keeps on trying, doesn't give up and ultimately prevails in her own way. I think that message definitely bears keeping in mind. We do no one any favours by coddling them and this book shows how difficult life can be when we go out into the wide world and suddenly experience its dangers for real, dangers we were told to think of as fairytales and nothing to worry about. This novel really brings home the way such attitudes stack everything against the people we love and want to shelter. It doesn't work and more often than not, they'll end up hating us for it. I don't think I've ever thanked anyone for trying to spare me from the truth. I've always found honesty trumps trying to spare my feelings and Talia's story backs that up too.
So, if you're up for a fantastical adventure in the fae realm unlike any version you may have experienced before, then I highly recommend you go for it and read this book. The magic system is unique and very well thought out. I love how blood types and runes combine to become something totally new and different and entirely magical. And the inks! Oh, the pigments and colours are so much fun. Totally loved it!
