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Interview with an author: A.J. Andersen

The Book Dragon

Steamy Romance: Military meets Mafia

What was the spark that started Nascent Nikki? Nikki and Gray’s story just grew out of the previous K&S Securities books and is the second half of the Nikki and Grayson Duet. (Book one is Guarded by Grayson). Nikki came first, this quiet voice whispering to me while I was working on Ellie and Blake's story (Embracing Ellie). I couldn't ignore her. She was insistent and had suffered so much that I wanted to give her the happy ending that would give back her power as well as her HEA. Name one thing you’re proud of having achieved with Nascent Nikki? I ended the first part of Nikki's story with some facts and resources about human trafficking. I hope, if nothing else, those resources educated someone who was unaware or gave someone a place to look for help if they needed it. Please tell us a little about your writing style. What/who has influenced you? I'm a total pantser! I have the barest outline of a plot in my head when I start working on any project. I usually find out what happens next as I'm writing it! There have been times I have to stop and text one of my gal pals just to say 'whoa! I can't believe what I just wrote! I didn't see that coming!' As to influences... No one specifically. I've been an avid reader since a very young age and I like to think that everything I read or experience teaches me something that I can use in my writing. What was the most interesting/random fact you discovered while researching for Nascent Nikki? The actual statistics on human trafficking. Before I dug into those numbers to write my afterward (for Guarded by Grayson) I knew it was bad - I just wasn't aware of how bad. Share something about your main character(s) that is super important to you and why that is. Nikki’s strength at her weakest moment reminds me that in difficult times it's necessary to rely on myself first. It's great to have a support system, but at the end of the day it's important to be capable of standing alone in the face of adversity. Gray reminds me of the importance of kindness and a generous heart. Is there something from your own life or experience that has found its way into Nascent Nikki? Nikki’s love of gardening is 100% me! What’s next for you and your writing? I've been in a slump for sure the past few months, but have several novellas started under my alter-ego Josephine Andersen and Belonging to Becca (K&S book just needs edited. I have ideas for at least a couple more books in the K&S Securities Series world started and as I said some novellas in the works. I'm hoping I can get past this slump and get them finished! What book(s) changed your life? Wow! This is a hard question. My Bible. 100% Annie Lash by Dorothy Garlock is the first adult romance I can remember reading. I was 14 or 15. I was hooked on romance from that moment. The Beneath Series by Meghan March is what brought me back to romance after several dark years where I didn't read much. It was also her writing that inspired me to give my own writing a chance.

Connect with A.J. Andersen here.


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