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Interview with an Author: A.R. Grosjean

The Book Dragon

Explore where only the mind can reach. With A.R. Grosjean (aka Amber), there's an adventure waiting to be explored. The sky is the limit--it's where Amber resides.

What got you into writing your own stories?

Taking a trip to see my uncle with my grandparents and younger sister. The trip was going to be a couple hours one way, so my sister and I brought things to draw during the car ride. On the way home, I was staring at the clouds thinking of an idea to draw when a story popped into my head instead. I began writing and haven't stopped.

What genre do you write?

Fantasy, romance, science fiction, mystery, thriller, paranormal, horror, some children's books, YA/NA, mature adult (no erotica). I pretty much dabble in all the genres lol.

Tell us about your WIP.

Right now, I am working on a children's book, the last one in a series called Fairytale Adventures. It's the fifth book in the series for children, fantasy adventure. It's about a little girl who has to wake up the fairytale creatures who are falling asleep (like Rip Van Winkle). A garden gnome is telling the story. In this world, fairytales are real.

How would you describe your writing style?

Simple. Most people can understand what I'm saying, without a dictionary. I'm not sure how else to describe it.

What comes more easily, plot or characters?

I'm not sure. They happen at the same time. I don't plan my stories so as the story unfolds, I learn more about the characters and their world. It's like I'm reading the story for the first time as I'm writing it.

How do you write your characters?

The characters are already living inside my mind. As the story unfolds, I write as I watch it play out in my head. It's rather interesting because I get pulled into the story just as a reader would, maybe even more since they're living in my head lol. As I edit the story, more is added to flesh out what was missing. Sometimes they come to my dreams where I learn more about them and am able to add that information to the story. With the children's book I'm working on now, I am using real information from my granddaughter with permission from her parents, which makes it hit a little closer to my heart bringing a little extra something to the story.

Tell us about the setting your story/stories take place in.

With the Fairytale Adventures, the story takes place on a farm and in the woods next to the farm. I grew up on a farm so it was fitting to have it there. Add in my granddaughter and the idea that fairytale creatures are real, and the story was born. I tossed in magic to raise the element and the story took a life of it's own. They tend to do that anyway, but this one had a special magic the other stories didn't have.

Have you written any animal characters? Tell us about one of them.

With Fairytale Adventures, I have some animals but they are also fairytale animals so they can speak. The three blind mice, a certain rabbit that steals vegetables, another rabbit, the tortoise and hare, etc. I tried to stay true to the fairytales they came with, adding a little extra to them. You know how stories lose a little truth as the stories are passed down, something like that. The "real" stories sometimes are different than what you end up with. It was like that with these characters between the five books.

Do you cross over genres or do you only stick to one?

Oh, yes. I don't like sticking with just one genre. One book has three or four genres mixed in, but one main genre. It think it adds a little to the story, making it unique. I don't "copy" other writers. I've never been like that on a personal level so while it may not be a popular thing to do, I'm staying true to who I am.

What is your "writer's den" like?

organized mess is probably the best way to describe it. I love to organize things so it's always changing around. I like to move things around anyways so nothing is ever the same place. I like trying new things too so sometimes something new is added to give a fresh look. My space is a corner so space is limited too. I have a drawer cabinet that is made for craft products but I use to store things for writing and non-writing things like batteries. I live in a one-room space so I have to make do with the space I have. I also use the wall to help. I have post-it notes everywhere lol.

How do you get into the flow for writing? Do you have any rituals?

No rituals. I sit down at my laptop, open the file, read the last paragraph or page, and just start typing. I don't think about it. I just allow the characters to move through me, giving their voice a sound that can be heard loudly and clear.

How do you do research for your writing?

I use Google for everything lol. If I'm looking for a word, I type out the meaning or what I'm thinking the meaning is, or look for things like police procedures, military equipment, weapons, etc. I save the pages so I can go back later so I don't have to remember everything lol. I also have a book on weapons in case one of my thrillers or mysteries needs a mention. I've looked up the different types of angels for one book.

What would be the greatest achievement for you to aim for as a writer if anything were possible?

I want to see my books on the big screen or on TV so that's something I would like to aim for someday. I'm not ready for that yet. When I am, I will be seeking someone to help me write the screenplays and then search for someone to get them made. I'll be researching this before taking that first step when I feel I'm ready for it. But that's my goal.

What are you most grateful for as a writer?

my readers 100%. The love for writing got me going but it's the readers who keeps it going. And I owe it to my characters. Their stories are bursting from my mind lol.

Do you have a day job? What is it?

Yes. It's pretty much part-time though. I clean rooms for a hotel. I get paid by the room. Most rooms take 15 minutes to clean (I clean them with my husband). We can have anywhere from 0 rooms to 10 or more). We've had days where it took an hour to get all the rooms done, and we had the rest of the day to do whatever. I like those days. We can take as many breaks as we want, and we live there so the commute is super short lol.

Has a real-life experience informed your writing? Share the scene it inspired.

Many of the scenes from A Mother's Pain actually happened. The rest were fictionalized to give a different ending. One of the bigger scenes was Anna's mother's treatment. She was always telling Anna to get her a soda, do this or do that--that was how my mother was toward me. I often felt like Cinderella. I had real sisters versus the step-sisters though.

Do you read the same genre you write? Why, or why not?

I'm very versatile. I like different genres in my music, reading, and writing. My mind is open in most areas in my life which has also helped me write.

Do you read fellow indie authors' works? Why or why not?

Yes. When I can. My budget doesn't allow me to buy too many, but whenever I have a chance to read something, I will. I leave a review when I read them as well because I know how important those reviews are. So, if you're an indie author and have no problem giving a free ebook to me, I'd be happy to leave an honest review for you. Mostly on Goodreads and Instagram. When I'm able to, I will leave one on Amazon too. Sometimes, I've been lucky enough to do that.

Is there an author who inspires you?

Stephen King. I watched his autobiography on TV once. When I saw he was in his 40s when he started writing, it gave me hope and encouraged me to keep writing before I ever published. Now that I am published, I just keep going. Plus, hearing how he took events from his life was pretty cool.

Give us three fun facts about yourself.

  • I like to crochet, taking yarn and making clothes.

  • I collect anything that says Nana on it.

  • I'm not a teenager anymore, but I still enjoy staying up all night. No naps. I am able to do this twice a week, sometimes even three times lol. Never two nights in a row though. I can't do that anymore lol.

What's one of your funniest experiences?

I'm not sure which one to include. I do remember trick or treating with my dad and sister. When my dad tried to close the door, I yelled out "you shut the leg on my door!" I still laugh at that memory lol.

What is something about you that few people know?

I was in the national guard for a few months. I got to basic training and learned I couldn't do it and was able to get out of it. I can't join other branches as a result, but at least I got the experience of it. Something I'll always remember.

Do you have any hobbies?

Crochet. "Baking" I don't have an oven, so I'm learning other methods like using a cupcake maker or even the slow-cooker. Playing games on my tablet. Watching movies and TV shows.

What's your favorite holiday?

Christmas. It was an excuse to buy things for people lol. Of course, money is limited now but I still have the fun with it.

What's your favorite season?

Spring. It's not too cold and it's not too hot lol. It also represents new beginnings, which I love because it means I have a clean slate.

What's your favorite book? Why

Fairytale's Truth, the first book in the Fairytale Adventures series. Being able to use my first grandchild in the story made me closer to the characters and the story ended up being cute, adorable, and full of magic which is what reminds me of how my granddaughter was when she was young. She's turning 8 this year (2024) so in a lot of ways, she's still the way she is in the story. I just made the character a little older.

Is there a cause that's important to you?

Homeless causes because my husband and I was homeless a few times. I'll be writing a memoir about it.

Do you have pets?

Over the years I've had a lot of pets. I grew up on a farm until my junior year in high school. We probably had a hundred cats on the farm and there were around 7 dogs between our family and my maternal grandparents who owned the farm. My family lived in a trailer down the driveway from the main house where my grandparents lived. It's not there now. Last year, Billy (my husband) and I had 5 cats. We lived in a house for a few months and had to rehome them when we moved back to the hotel. I miss them but have tons of pictures of them to remember the good days. We can't have pets here, which sucks but I understand why the owners don't want the hassle.

Connect with A.R. Grosjean here.

Featured Book: Nanobytes

Why would you like to feature this book?

It's the most recent book that was published before the one I'm working on now. Its a great story about a young lady who didn't think was a hero but had to save Earth from an alien invasion.

Who was your favorite character to write?

Sophie Martin, the main character. She has a lot of good qualities, but she's down to earth. I see a little of myself in her.

What was your favorite scene to write?

I don't want to ruin the story, but my favorite scene is toward the end where she's fighting the aliens. There's just something about it that caught me off guard, that I wasn't expecting. It was so much fun writing it.

What was the most interesting random fact you researched for this book?

I researched terms and stuff like that, but nothing real interesting. A lot of the story was pure imagination.

What's the message you worked into this book?

That anyone can be a hero. Inner strength is important and you just need to believe in yourself.


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