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Interview with an Author: April Grace

The Book Dragon

Updated: May 2, 2024

April Grace is a fantasy author with a love for fairytales and mythology.

What got you into writing your own stories?

I've been writing since I was a teenager, and I've always loved reading about strong characters who get themselves into and out of awkward situations. I love reading, and that's a big part of what got me into writing.

What genre do you write?

Fantasy, always. I think I started off in YA contemporary, but gradually moved to fantasy when I started reading a lot more of it.

Tell us about your WIP.

My WIP is the sequel to my first published book, Steel Princess. Songbird Heir takes place after Silver has taken down the cruel bot queen (literally deconstructed her) and is preparing to become queen, but a new villain pops up that she has to deal with. Then there is the magical side with a new narrator who was a big character from book one, who has to reveal her secret that she's the daughter of a siren queen, and take on her cruel mother. So we have a few big evil queens in this one.

How would you describe your writing style?

My sentences tend to be short and sweet, straight to the point, but I try to make them as funny as I can, especially in Steel Princess and Songbird Heir, which I'm rewriting at the moment. There's a lot of fun banter-like dialogue between my MC's and their friends.

What comes more easily, plot or characters?

Both, honestly! It helps in my current WIP that I know my characters really well. The plot always comes after the characters, though.

What is your "writer's den" like?

It's my tiny flat haha, and I always write at this little table that I'm sitting at right now. I wish I had an office or something, maybe one day.

How do you get into the flow for writing? Do you have any rituals?

No rituals, but I always have music.

What is your personally most significant achievement as a writer, and why?

I recently made it to number 1 on Amazon's free book list recently for dark fantasy books, and that was so cool. But I've also, somehow, made it onto the Mexico Bestseller list without any free promotions before, and I'm not sure how I managed that since I live in the UK, haha. When I checked, it was there right next to Moby Dick.

What would be the greatest achievement for you to aim for as a writer if anything were possible?

Maybe a big publisher takes me on one day? Or I get a Netflix show made of my books? That would be the dream.

Do you have a day job? What is it?

I'm a Teaching Assistant, so I deal with teenagers all day haha. But I love my job, and the school holidays are a nice bonus.

Do you read fellow indie authors' works? Why or why not?

Of course! I love supporting fellow indies. It's a tough world out there haha.

Is there an author who inspires you?

Marissa Meyer and Tricia Levenseller, both write amazing fantasy books.

Give us three fun facts about yourself.

  • Patricia Hayes who played the good queen in Willow is my nanna's cousin.

  • Can't think of two more haha

Find out more about April Grace here.


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