DL Heim has found a life in Milwaukee after a vagabond existence in various suburbs across the South and Northeast. Despite an undergraduate degree in English Literature, the urge to write fiction did not take hold until their partner Ross Hightower tapped out the first draft of Spirit Sight that fateful snowy morning. The journey as a partner in this unexpected adventure has been more than worth it.

What got you into writing your own stories? My partner Ross Hightower started writing 3 years ago, and I was one of his first beta readers. Over time I shifted into sounding board, researcher and plotter. I have started writing my own short stories, but our focus right now is still the novels, so I'm not sure I can say I write my own stories.
What genre do you write?
The novels are epic, old-school classical fantasy. My short stories are contemporary, relationship-oriented fiction.
Tell us about your WIP.
"Desulti" is the second prequel to Argren Blue, which is being released May 17th. It is about the development of a women-centered organization that pushes back against the patriarchy inherent in the fantasy world of the novels.
What comes more easily, plot or characters?
Ross creates the characters, then we work together on plot. Once a character is "real", and the world created, the plot has a way of creating itself.
Do you cross over genres or do you only stick to one?
Our novels together are currently fantasy. My short stories are contemporary, and Ross and I are also planning a series of murder mysteries with a supernatural element.
What is your "writer's den" like?
I work from home and have a fulltime job, so I have a total of 3 computer screens, 2 for my paid job and one for everything else. Facing north I'm at my job, facing west I'm writing or paying bills :) I do have a laptop dedicated to writing and promoting the books, so that travels around.
What is your personally most significant achievement as a writer, and why? When Ross told me he had added me as co-author on Argren Blue, I started crying. I still have to develop my own voice as an author, which will happen in my short stories, but being listed as a co-author of an awesome book feels pretty incredible.
What would be the greatest achievement for you to aim for as a writer if anything were possible? I imagine getting an email about one of my short stories being accepted in a respected collection. That would be amazing.
What are you most grateful for as a writer? This sounds just so sappy, but Ross inviting me into the fantasy world he has created.
Do you have a day job? What is it? Yes, I'm a public health nurse consultant for the state of Wisconsin.
Has a real-life experience informed your writing? Share the scene it inspired. So many. A short story I'm working on now was inspired by a comment one of my colleagues made about his mom dropping him off at school while in active labor. All my experience both as a mom and a nurse will be going into that one.
Do you read the same genre you write? Why, or why not? At this point I'm sticking with fantasy because I have limited time to read and this genre brings me the most joy.
Do you read fellow indie authors' works? Why or why not? I am trying to read more indie authors, both to support them and also to learn more about the writing process. I have big plans for after I'm retired from my fulltime job - blocked off reading time!
Is there an author who inspires you? MK Jemisin. Her writing is so raw and immediate, but also somehow ethereal. Like a gut-punch from the universe.
Give us three fun facts about yourself.
I have three graduate degrees.
I had a job as a software consultant even though I have no formal training in that field (despite the grad degrees)
I love to sing karaoke.
What's one of your funniest experiences? Going into labor while picking up a pizza. It's a lot funnier than it sounds.
What is something about you that few people know? I come across as a complete extrovert, but I am sometimes happiest in my own company.
Do you have any hobbies? Oh lordy yes. Too many. All focused around our house - gardening, preserving food, cooking and planning food for camping trips.
What's your favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving - the Macy's day parade, the dog show, the turkey and then hanging out with friends at our local brewery.
What's your favorite season?
Whatever season we are in, I try to find something to enjoy. Right now spring in Milwaukee is gorgeous.
Featured Book: Argren Blue

When Alar joined the resistance, he dreamed of throwing the imperial oppressors out of Argren. But as the inexperienced rebels reel from one disaster to another, Alar wonders if the Empire notices them at all. Until the day he discovers he has powers not seen since the great heroes of the past.
Why would you like to feature this book?
It is the book Ross and I co-authored and released May 17th, 2023.
Who was your favorite character to write and why? I enjoyed working with Ross on Tove, the young woman who has experienced all the brutality of the Empire but has the nerve to fight back.
The authors have created a vivid and compelling world... I was immediately invested in the fate of Alar and his friends, aided by the skillfully described settings and circumstances. The writing is outstanding, fully immersing the reader in the emotions and the adventures of the many characters. Told from multiple points of view, I was easily able to distinguish and keep track of the numerous groups and relationships. It is somewhat lengthy, but it's a fast read simply because it was difficult to put down. ... The novel can certainly be read as a standalone, but judging by the quality of the writing, it would be worthwhile to snap up a copy of Spirit Sight, the first in the series. A fast-paced, five-star fantasy adventure that will remain in your thoughts long after the last page is turned. 5-Stars! — Sublime Book Review
What was your favorite scene to write and why? Ross and I had multiple discussions about how art would be central to the plot, so the scene when the rebels find priceless artworks is one of my favorites.
What was the spark that started this book? When Ross was finishing up Spirit Sight, the first novel about this world, we started talking about how the Alle'oss, a peaceful people, decide to fight back against a colonizing Empire determined to subdue Argren.
What was the most interesting random fact you researched for this book? We both did research on the indigo trade, which is incorporated into the book.
What's the message you worked into this book?
Standing up to oppression takes bravery. Not everyone has that bravery.
He eased forward and peered down the road. From the top of the embankment, he could see the bald patch on top of the soldier’s head. Alar lost his sword, but as he studied the situation, a plan began to take shape. It was foolish, but he had been riding the ragged edge of foolish since he joined the resistance six years before.
Find out more about DL Heim and her books here.