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The Book Dragon

Interview with an Author: Ellwyn Autumn

Ellwyn Autumn is an American author and a certified teacher with a Master’s Degree in Education. She writes children’s picture books, middle-grade novels, and Young Adult fiction.

What got you into writing your own stories?

I discovered my passion for writing in second grade when I had to write a book report for school. I was so excited to write the report, until my mother told me that I had to write about someone else’s book and not my own story. I became indignant and decided that once I finished the book report I would most certainly write my own original story. I have been writing ever since!

Tell us about your WIP.

I'm currently working with Sudipta Steve Dasgupta on the illustrations for a book titled Ginger Bread Kids Hide And Seek. It's a rhyming story about a group of students searching for their runaway Gingerbread Cookies. I'm shooting for a November 2024 release.

How would you describe your writing style?

I try to include as much humor as I can in my writing.

What comes more easily, plot or characters?

It depends on the story. Sometimes I'll envision one character and write a whole story around them. Other times I write out the plot and then flesh out the characters.

Do you cross over genres or do you only stick to one?

I normally stick to children's fiction and fantasy but I try to mix it up a little. I'm writing one story that is a steampunk fantasy with all kinds of magical beings.

What is your "writer's den" like?

It's in flux. I'm reorganizing my house so everything is everywhere.

How do you get into the flow for writing? Do you have any rituals?

I have a soundtrack for each story I write. I listen to them to get my creative juices flowing.

What would be the greatest achievement for you to aim for as a writer if anything were possible?

To win the Caldecott and Newberry Awards.

What are you most grateful for as a writer?

The readers who read and appreciate my stories.

Do you read the same genre you write? Why, or why not?

Yes, I do. You need to read what you write to hone your skills.

Do you read fellow indie authors' works? Why or why not?

Yes, I do. It's important to support each other and give honest feedback.

Give us three fun facts about yourself.

  • I want to visit the UK someday.

  • One of my favorite words is noodle. I think it sounds silly when you say it out loud.

  • My favorite car is a 1968 Mustang.

Do you have any hobbies?

Yes, reading, writing, and creating educational resources for Teachers Pay Teachers.

Do you have pets?

Yes, two dogs named Lego and Mia.

Find out more about Ellwyn Autumn here.

Featured Book: A Fish Named Fancy

Fish only make round bubbles, right?Fancy isn’t like the other fish in his school. He not only loves swimming and blowing round bubbles but he also adds flair to his bubbles.

The other fish won’t let Fancy stay unless he agrees to create only round bubbles, despite admiring his skill. Though it makes him sad, Fancy decides to leave home and look for a place where he can express himself freely.

Why would you like to feature this book?

It's one year birthday is on July 15, 2024.

What's your favorite quote from this book?

Fancy put a fin on Ruby's shell. "You don't have to change. You need new friends."

Who was your favorite character to write?

My favorite character to write was Fancy because of his name. Boys can be fancy just like girls.

What was your favorite scene to write?

I really liked the ending scene. The three main characters create a place where everyone is accepted. "They could do what they chose without being teased, chased away, or asked to leave."

I read it in one go and I couldn’t believe how moved I was. Fancy, Ruby and Glitter just didn’t fit in. They were just too unique to be accepted where they were but the book is a journey of self discovery and self acceptance… and eventually they find their forever home. A beautiful place filled with color and happiness. The illustrations served the story to a T! I mean i felt like a guitar - every emotion being plucked! I actually found a few tears of joy falling by the end. Wow! So glad I read this. Can’t wait to share it with my 5 year old! - Sunshine Daily on Amazon

What was the spark that started this book?

I have close family members who are part of the LGBTQ community. Watching them manage society's negative views of them and their own struggle for self-acceptance inspired me to write this for them.

What was the most interesting random fact you researched for this book?

Fancy is a French Angel Fish. This type of fish lives in the western Atlantic Ocean from Florida and the Bahamas, south to Brazil. Nowhere near France!! ;)

What's the message you worked into this book?

Don't change who you are to please others. Find you true tribe and be yourself.

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