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Interview with an Author: James Quinlan Meservy

The Book Dragon

James lives in Southeast Idaho with his wife and children, and spent his childhood moving all across northern Utah. He considers his home town to be Mendon, Ut, a small community near Logan, Utah in the Cache Valley.

What got you into writing your own stories? My dreams, and my thoughts. I would have a dream about something, and the idea sticks in my head until I write it out.

What genre do you write?

Most of my writings are fantasy.

Tell us about your WIP.

I like to think of it as epic fantasy adventure inspired by Orwell's 1984, where dragon's take the place of Big Brother.

What comes more easily, plot or characters?

Characters usually come more easily for me. Once I understand my characters personalities, they move the plot.

Do you cross over genres or do you only stick to one?

Oh, I cross genres all the time. I have a couple different types of sci-fi short stories published, and some other stuff. My favorite genre I have written so far is fantasy-thriller, and I look forward to going back to that type of writing again in the future.

What is your "writer's den" like?

A corner of a room with my computer on a desk, and a bookshelf with some of my favorite reference books.

How do you get into the flow for writing? Do you have any rituals?

Because I suffer from chronic migraines and chronic tension headaches, right now my writing sessions are limited to 30 minutes at a time. So, how I get in the flow to write is by pondering on my story all day, and cramming my writing out in just 30 minutes, leaving myself notes on any ideas I did not have time to finish. It is difficult for me to get a project done, but when I write for only 30 minutes a day, I am well enough to write every day.

What is your personally most significant achievement as a writer, and why? The most significant achievement as a writer I have ever accomplished is when I published by 20th title (novels, short stories, and even 1 book of poetry) by Dec 2022. It was significant to me because I had a concussion in August of 2020 that had severe post concussive symptoms, and then another concussion in August of 2022, also with severe symptoms of post concussive syndrome, and it took everything I had to stay focused, have healthy days, and accomplish that goal.

What would be the greatest achievement for you to aim for as a writer if anything were possible? My aim to earn enough money on book sales that I can quit my day job as a forklift operator.

What are you most grateful for as a writer? Other authors. As I mentioned before, I have had a rough couple of years, and the friendship and support from other authors keeps me writing, keeps me being creative, and keeps me trying to write better quality stories.

Do you have a day job? What is it? I am a team lead in a dehydrated potato warehouse in Southeast Idaho.

Do you read the same genre you write? Why, or why not? Yes, I read everything. I love learning from other authors by reading their works.

Do you read fellow indie authors' works? Why or why not? Yes, actually right now I mostly read indie authors' works. I run a blog, and post reviews on books i have read. Several authors have requested I review their books, and all my reading time is filled by going through that list.

Is there an author who inspires you? Charles Dickens. Every story I read from him inspires me to do better at my own writing.

Give us three fun facts about yourself.

  1. I am hydrophobic.

  2. I am a trained archaeologist.

  3. I have six children.

Do you have any hobbies? To read, spend time with my family, build LEGO sets, mostly Star Wars sets.

What's your favorite holiday?

Veteran's Day (US). Nov 11th is also my birthday.

What's your favorite season?

Fall Do you have pets?

One dog, a King Schnauzer named Kenobi.

Book Feature: The United, The Realm of the Light Book 1

KINGDOMS FALL, ONE DESTINY AT A TIME Some time ago in a land since long forgotten, an evil force by the name of Lord Yrimwaque – servant of the Threat of Rai – threatens to destroy everything and prepare the world for a harvest. The only thing that stands in his way are three reluctant heroes: Tyler, his girlfriend KimberlyAnn and his best friend Blaze Morrison, who have been recruited by the followers of the Light of Rai. Upon their journey of knowledge, TJ and his friends are forced into an unlikely encounter with a creature of legend, and find themselves in the midst of an ancient battle between the Light of Rai and the Threat of Rai, with our world hanging in the balance. As the Light of Rai teach them to hone their various gifts and talents for the greater good of the kingdom, faith is restored, in the hopes that they will be able to stop Lord Yrimwaque and vanquish the evil horde he desires to unleash upon the land.

Why would you like to feature this book?

It is my first novel, and everything I write in the Realm of the Light Series, and larger world of Rai Saga starts with The United.

Fantasy at its Finest

Who was your favorite character to write and why? Amanda Adams. The way she introduced herself to me. I was in a dream, and this petite red-headed woman walked up to me, said, "My name is Amanda Adams, and I belong in TJ's story, and here is how." Then she described where she fit in.

What was the spark that started this book? A 5th Grade Halloween-themed creative writing assignment.

What was the most interesting random fact you researched for this book? The actual Native American legends of the Manidone and how manidones differ from SkinWalkers.

What's the message you worked into this book?

That death is not the end of existence, and those who passed on can still influence our mortal lives.


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