Jayne Lockwood, AKA Lady Jaguar, is an English writer of deliciously dark romance featuring queer and straight protagonists.

What would be the greatest achievement for you to aim for as a writer if anything were possible?
Worldwide respect would be nice. I'm trying to earn it, gradually.To be known as a writer. Being homemaker is valid and wonderful, but I'm a writer as well. Not just a "hobby writer," but a genuine, real-life writer. That's all I want.
Do you read fellow indie authors' works? Why or why not?
Yes, I read almost exclusively indie works now. The reason is there are so many fantastic writers who will never really be known outside a few hundred people, and if I can do my bit to spread the word, I will!
What's one of your funniest experiences?
It probably isn't funny to anyone else but was reunited with a friend I hadn't seen for 25 years. We had no contact, nothing, but we talked as if we had never been apart. Then she asked if I had any tattoos. I do, a horse on my back shaped like the Uffington Horse chalk figure, one of our national monuments. She had the same tattoo! No one else in the bar could understand why we were laughing so much.
Featured Book: The Cloud Seeker
This is a really enjoyable read - lovely for UK readers who can recognise their own environment and society, but also a brilliant insight to non-UK readers, into the realities of life in the beautiful British countryside.

Why have you picked this book specifically for the special feature?
I'd like more people to read this book! It's my first non-erotic novel (although there are some sexy times) and it needs more visibility.
Who was your favourite character to write and why? Max was my favourite character. He is so complicated, a real anti-hero. He lies to everyone, but he gets his comeuppance. We understand what happened to him and why he is the way he is. I loved getting into his head, even though it was hard at times.
What was the spark that started The Cloud Seeker?
September 11th. After the initial shock, my next thought was, I want to write about that, but I didn't for another ten years. The world was going through mourning, and it took time to feel as if the time was appropriate.
Find out more about Jayne Lockwood and her writing here.