This week, I would like to introduce you to Kellie Doherty, who is a science fiction and fantasy author, and writes about found families, disaster queers, quest adventures, and broken magic or tech. She’s currently writing a five book standalone fantasy series, with the third book INK STAINS & ILL-FATED LIES publishing April 2023.

Tell us about your WIP.
I'm currently working on book four of my Broken Chronicle series, what I'm lovingly calling my wild nature magic WIP, or Zayla's story. Themes of building friendships, coming into your own powers and truth, wild magic (called crafting in my world), and a whole lot of mushroom knowledge. It's in the very early stages of drafting right now so I'm having fun writing it all down.
What comes more easily, plot or characters?
Characters, 100% of the time. Character creation is honestly one of the most fun things I do when writing, it comes super easily to me, and plot kind of...trods along after.
Do you cross over genres or do you only stick to one?
I write both science fiction and fantasy, though fantasy is more current, but I do add a small dash of romance into the mix. More of a subcategory, rather than a genre though. I'd love to write a science-fantasy one day; the category is so intriguing and I have some ideas brewing already!
How do you get into the flow for writing? Do you have any rituals?
I make a cup of hot tea (or hot chocolate, apple cider, anything hot really), turn on some fantasy music (I've been listening to tavern music lately and it's rather delightful), and then open all the documents I need (which includes a worldbuilding doc, a plotting doc, and the story doc). In an ideal world, I'd also be tucked under a blanket with my two cats curled up on my lap. Then, I dive into it. I write mostly on the weekends and try to carve out as much time as possible (a few hours at least) so I can get a good chunk of writing done. I'm a very slow writer and while that's not a bad thing, it is something I have to remember.
What are you most grateful for as a writer? My readers!! I love writing, creating new worlds and new characters, but hearing from a reader who was really touched by my book is so, so inspiring.
Do you have a day job? What is it? I'm a marketing assistant at a publishing company called BenBella Books. I've only been at the company for a year (my one year was March 31, 2023) and I've already learned so much. I honestly love the team I'm working with and helping authors get their books out into the world is so rewarding.
Is there an author who inspires you? Becky Chambers work is truly inspiring. If there's ever an insta-buy for me, it's her. No matter what she writes, I'll pick it up, ha! Becky is a character-driven writer and that's why I enjoy her work so much.
Give us three fun facts about yourself.
I live in Alaska.
I have a master's degree in book publishing.
My favorite food is sushi.
Do you have any hobbies? Most of my hobbies swirl around the geeky sphere: reading SFF, gaming (like Zelda, D&D, Catan), and trying geek-themed recipes (shoutout to the Big Damn Firefly Cookbook).
What's your favorite season?
Winter because it's beautiful...buuut only until mid-February when the cold snap truly sets in.
Do you have pets?
Yes! Two gorgeous fluffy black cats: Raven and Cinder. They're my writing companions and also the source of some worldbuilding inspiration!
Connect with Kellie Doherty here.
Featured Book: Ink Stains & Ill-Fated Lies

Ink Stains & Ill-Fated Lies is Kellie Doherty's most recent release. It dropped just a few days ago!
Who was your favorite character to write and why? Oof, that's a hard question because I love all my characters! I'd have to say Berhn. He's a kid Adaris meets who has a very different take on the sun goddess. He's quiet and shy but resilient in his own way and dedicated to his beliefs. He changed Adaris fundamentally and their relationship was really fun to explore.
What was your favorite scene to write and why?
The first meeting of Rhonwen and Adaris! Adaris just got to Slagrock, thrown into the prison there, and meets her prison-mate. It's a dagger-to-the-throat kind of interaction and super fun to write.
It was a dungeon, surely, or a torture chamber, or another prison of some kind. It was a stupid idea to follow…but curiosity pushed Adaris forward anyway.
What was the most interesting random fact you researched for this book? So many random fun things! I really liked googling the rock columns in Ireland called the giant causeway; I visited them a long time ago but couldn't remember the name so I typed in "strange rock columns in Ireland" and it worked! Gave me the inspiration I needed for my setting and a nice memory boost, too.
Find out more about Kellie Doherty and her books here.