Steamy romance with relatable characters

What was the spark that started And Then Came You?
I love unlikely romances, born between people who, on the surface, appear to be polar opposites. I was scrolling through social media and saw some couples who matched—heavily tattooed, similar fashion sense—and I wondered about those couples who don't look like they meld at all, but where it counts they are kismet. Then, Lexi and Sam were born.
Name one thing you’re proud of having achieved with And Then Came You.
I brought to light two important issues in And Then Came You. Important to me, anyway. The first is how men can, and are, objectified in this society. We tend to think in terms of men viewing women as objects, but it works both ways. Sam was treated with a high regard for his exterior appearance, while little thought was given to his feelings. The second issue is that of physical abuse within a relationship, and how women (and men) can fall prey to the same type of predator time and again. Often, the victims become so adept at hiding the abuse, that no one suspects a thing, and the cycle continues, until someone halts it dead in its tracks.
Please tell us a little about your writing style. What/who has influenced you?
My writing style is such a hodge podge. I'm not a detail person, so you won't get long descriptions of the staircase or the house's interior. I focus on dialogue and banter to build depth between the characters. Some of my favorite authors are Charlotte Bronte, Toni Morrison and Jean Rhys, although Jack London will always hold a place in my heart (thanks, Dad).
What was the most interesting/random fact you discovered while researching for And Then Came You?
Good question. After speaking with a myriad of men, by all standards extremely good-looking, one fact was clear. They hate that people assume they're stupid or heartless because of their looks. Often, they are standoffish because they're so tired of being pigeon-holed.
Share something about your main character(s) that is super important to you and why that is.
Lexi is based on my own life. No, I'm not married to a model (although he could be one), but I endured a number of toxic and dangerous relationships in the name of love. It took meeting a real man to realize that one should never be afraid of your significant other. Sad that I ever considered that a normalcy in life. Sadder still, how many people still do.
What’s next for you and your writing?
I have a five book series coming out next year, titled Rockin' Rodeo Ranch. It's about a brothel, set in a small fictional town and I can honestly say that the hero in the first book, Love Me Wild, is my favorite book boyfriend ever. It's a departure in that I'm writing a forbidden, insta-love, but as always, it's very emotional and character driven. Trust me, you'll adore Griffin.
What book(s) changed your life?
Jane Eyre, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Four Agreements, The Prophet and Gisela's Passion. I'm still not over that story. My heart may never recover from the exquisite, heartbreaking beauty of it.
Is there a cause that’s important to you?
I'm an animal rights activist and have been rescuing dogs and cats for years. In my area, there are a plethora of people who view them as disposable, so I step in and give them the life they deserve. To quote A.D. Williams, "When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul."
Connect with M.L. Broome here.