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Interview with an Author: Sherry Hutchison

The Book Dragon

Sherry Hutchison emerged from childhood, discovering her resilience and passion within the pages of books. Sherry found solace and inspiration in the sanctuary of the Public Library after receiving her first library card, a pivotal moment that ignited her lifelong love for storytelling.

What got you into writing your own stories?

As young as eight years old I started writing little poems and make rhyming cards for my mom and grandma. My first library card around ten years old hooked me from the moment I walked through those doors into a magical world. My grandma told my mom with my overactive imagination I should write my own stories one day. She was correct.

What comes more easily, plot or characters?

Both flow together easily. Every book Ive written had a charcter in mind as soon as the idea formulated in my head for a story. Now creative names seem to take me a bit sometimes..

Tell us about your WIP.

 I am completing several much needed reader magnets. I have one released under CT's Quest which explains through her father's eyes, how she came to be involved with fairies. I have it on amazon for .99 while also offering it as a free read to my newletter subscribers or Fb group members. I have a ghost mystery reader magnet soon to release, which touches base on the mystery of Greybeard The Ghost of 489 and his four book series. I'm writing a angel fantasy paranormal magnet now which touches base on my angels among us series. I will complete final magnet with my suspence thriller story so i will have four updated reader magnets all around 3000-6000 words. THEN I can start a new story which I am troubled about in which genre. I have a few ideas working and this decision is very important.

How would you describe your writing style?

Eclectic & visonary comes to mind. Probably why my fb group is called Sherry's Eclectic Readers. I didn't plan this. It started with a MG/YA Fantasy. I have a muse feeding me and my first series ever written started with a dream about a red haired girl chasing lights through a forest and a nightmare followed two weeks later about a mean man hurting a woman which created my scream for me series. I have several book stories in my head but can't write them fast enough.

Do you cross over genres or do you only stick to one?

I've crossed over . I mainly have the YA/Fantasy and the Mystery/Thriller. I have been kicking around a possible warm? mystery series.

What is your "writer's den" like?

I have two writing areas set up. Both near a window with view of flowers and birds outside. I'm obsessed with Edgar Allen Poe. Imagine a bit bohemian, birds. Magical forest tree of life hanging. I love magical fairies and birds and such! Messy desk all the time. Drawers get messy when I swipe all the junk from top into drawers.

How do you get into the flow for writing? Do you have any rituals?

No to rituals. I like to write mid morning into evening. Ive been known to write until 4 or 5 am to finish a story. There are times when i am just not in the mood however if I push myself to sit still I will write.

What is your personally most significant achievement as a writer, and why?

I'd have to say my personal prose & potry book called "The Troubled Child" which I originally published under Sherich Reison then decided there was no reason not to claim my own name. It was my story after all. This is a deeply personal true story told in short stories, prose & potery, of my life as a troubled young girl and my displaced childhood. Names were changed to protect others. I kept it very rated g, while still conveying hopfully to others that they are not alone. We all carry traces of our childhood with us. Not all have a happy one. I was so afraid to open up any raw wounds, afraid someone else would get angry at me because my perception of someone was not the same as the person they knew. I felt as if I needed to tell my story somewhat while leaving out many many horrible events which will never be told. I survived and grew to love myself as a person. I'm also afraid this book I'm sure could use a new formatting as I refused to have much help on it at the time. It was hard for me to let go. It will be my next project this fall.

What would be the greatest achievement for you to aim for as a writer if anything were possible?

Validation as all writers want. I've had several of my books as number one (anthology at time) with books as number 34 and 32 yet I've never had an Amazon gold sticker placed on my name. My ultimate dream is for my YA Chasing The Lights seven book series to be picked up as a tv series or a special. I truely can see that visual in my head. Also my Greybeard Ghost Series I'm told would be amazing.

What are you most grateful for as a writer?

It's opened up my mind, my perception, for creating worlds. It feeds me something I need that nothing else can do. It validates to that lost little girl who was told she was stupid and would never amount to anything that she is in fact someone. A wonderful creative author.

Do you have a day job? What is it?

I am blessed to be retired and supported in order to write freely.

Do you read the same genre you write? Why, or why not?

I read thrillers, police mysteries, warm romances, fantasy stories, ghost stories. I don't read steamy or erotic stories. No special reason I just don't.

Do you read fellow indie authors' works? Why or why not?

Yes I've read several authors works.

Is there an author who inspires you?

Charlaine Harris of the True Blood Series and Stephenie Meyer of the Twilight Series. Both are amazing.

Give us some fun facts about yourself.

  • I love funny shows that make me laugh.

  • I am obessed with my morning coffee always!

  • I used to love dressing up with my niece and nephew for halloween.

  • I always carried my own bag for candy.

  • I dressed until i was forty until the kids outgrew needing me.

What's one of your funniest experiences?

Ok here goes. I was on a date at age fifteen. We were at Burger King, four of us. As I set across from my date I bent down to take a sip from my straw missed my mouth and stuck the straw up my nose. Talk about embarrassing and everyone laughed about it for weeks. Yes they all told someone else at school.

What is something about you that few people know?

I have six tattos all aquired after the age of forty.

Do you have pets?

Two furbabies. Max an aussy cattle dog & Maisie a blue-heeler.cattle dog mixed.

Connect with Sherry Hutchison here.

Featured Book: Zazz's Secret Journal, Schooled Fae Series, Years One - Four

I started this journey when Zazz was a part of something different. Now Hutchison has taken her Characters and the world she built, and created a story full of action and a story that spans 4 years of school for Zazz and her best bud from day one Oberon! Not much I can say in this review to explain how truly talented the author and her worlds are but they are awesome! If you like Academy stories and different species from different realms all in 1 place trying to navigate teen life with plenty of turns and OMG moments then this is a journey you must take!

Why would you like to feature this book?

It is my latest release.

Who was your favorite character to write?

Chelsea Thomas AKA CT of Chasing the Lights Series. I was able to watch her character grow before my eyes as she aged in this coming of age series. Many of her character traits mirrored memories of my niece at her age. Made this series so much more personal for me. As far as Zazz it would be Oberon. I loved his comical personality & total devotion to making Zazz happy no matter what.

What was your favorite scene to write?

Without giving the story line away it would be the ending on year two for Zazz. All the students had to pull together to acomplish a great deed. Want more? You have to read the book.

Looks like I have another story for my secret journal tonight.

What was the spark that started this book?

An author started and created a concept for an anthology some years back, in which gifted species came together at an academy. I created the light fae charatcer Zazz and Oberon. Several of us created our own separate stories from this. I fell in love with my characters and had to continue their story.

What was the most interesting random fact you researched for this book?

I remember searching for more info on fairies and found so much more on powerful fae and their strengths and weaknesses. I can't say more without giving away a concept in the story.

What's the message you worked into this book?

I always try to impart the message its better to work together or at lease surround yourself with like-minded species in this case. All of my books carry a character who will go beyond the norm to help someone else in need.


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