This series is utterly amazing. What starts off as a quirky and unexpectedly twisty retelling of The Goose Girl transforms into an epic series with the most incredible worldbuilding. I absolutely love how Ivinya takes the head of the talking horse from the original fairytale and builds an entire world of magical beasts to fit not only the original tale but also to blow the reader's mind. This world is amazing! I hope the author continues to write books set in it because it's fascinating and thrilling and chilling. Absolutely wonderful.
And then there's the romance. Ivinya has perfected the slow burn and this trilogy goes even further by doing enemies-to-friends-to-enemies-to-lovers in a brilliant sweep of all emotions I honestly couldn't keep my heart from hurting and racing along with Brianna. Jian was a very believable and yet still "perfect" love interest. He has his flaws and he overcomes them in a way that made me rejoice towards the end of the book.
Brianna is no cut-out either. She's a very flawed human being who makes some terrible mistakes. She proves the point that acting out of fear will never be in our best interests and will also dig a massively big hole for the person to then climb their way out of. She's a fabulous main character and I absolutely love how even when she chose to take her fate into her own hands, she does so clumsily. Very convincing and I totally loved her journey of becoming.
This is a fabulous high-stakes coming-of-age tale with some pretty amazing worldbuilding and memorable characters. I highly recommend this book!
