This is a most satisfying ending to this duet and rounds off the quintet nicely too. I loved how Nikki finds her feet after the disaster of the last book and how she was able to put herself back together again with Gray's support and the buffer of her newfound family.
Andersen's story is a beautiful tribute to our capacity to transform horror and trauma into something stronger and way more beautiful. Of the four female leads in this series, Nikki is definitely my favourite. She really shows that awful things don't have to break us, and that we can go kick-ass awesome and vulnerable at the same time, that it's okay to not be okay, and that we can take everything we've experienced and redefine ourselves as we want to.
Additionally, the message about the importance of a support network, whether that is through a biological family or a chosen one, is brilliantly portrayed. This is a beautiful story and I highly recommend it.
