This is a great book about Lily’s transformational journey from stuck in the default setting of her life, living other people’s expectations for her, to one of fulfillment and deep meaning. I really enjoyed the dynamics of her personal soul searching and the way she found her own path as well as how that translated in her relationship with Derrick.
The story is a gentle and slow read. At times it felt a little too slow, like I couldn’t read more than a chapter at a time for quite a ways through the book. It was only after I passed the 70% mark that I finished the book in a single sitting. I think more
than anything, that is due to the author’s heavy reliance on telling. Nevertheless, I did keep picking the book back up again and kept on reading and enjoying the slow tempo of the story, so the gentle ebb and flow of this story isn’t entirely a negative.
That said, after reading and really growing to love and respect Lily, especially after she worked through her illusions and misplaced dreams, the ending felt a little cheap. Somehow, it detracted from all the work Lily did in the preceding weeks and the resolution she came to after breaking up with Derrick and that I feel is rather unfortunate. It is what it is. A bit of a disappointment, like eating something you built up a vision for and then get disappointed that it doesn’t quite taste as good as you thought it ought to. It’s a good enough book, but honestly could have had a much more profound ending—or even have been left open ended for each reader to decide for themselves.
