The saga of The Edge of the Sword series continues in this epic novel focused on the third country, also featured in the previous book in the series. Cerecia is in dire straits, with a mad and power hungry ruler laying waste to everything around him. Although this particular book does not include a romatic sub-plot with a new couple as each of the previous books has done, the focus on interpersonal relationships is still there and as good as ever. In this case, the main focus is on the need for communication in marriage. It is so rare to see such depth in already existing relationships, and I really appreciate what the author has done here.
Additionally, I was truly gratified by the secondary focus, with one of the other characters, on not allowing others to choose for us. Bashalis was already a great character in the previous novel, but she really came into her own in this one, and the way she came into herself and shifted away from who she didn't want to be, embracing what was important to her, really resonated. It's a very empowering additional element and I enjoyed her story, even though it didn't quite end how I'd imaigned it might.
Lastly, this author always adds additional notes at the end about the emotional and psychological elements in the story. In this case, the end note was particularly enlightening and I really appreciate the author going to the effort to get that information and include it in the book's backmatter.
Entertaining read. I can definitely recommend this series, even if, as a whole, it doesn't quite fit into any specific genre. It's an excellent exploration of relationships in all their facets, and has a fun background of epic proportions with battles, subterfuge, and secret weapons.