In a few ways, this one is different from the author's other work. The beginning felt a bit rushed, but once I understood why Angus was so guarded and Clara grew on me, I really enjoyed it and the ending was true perfection. With the nail-biting plot, this novel is most reminiscent of this author's early works in the Soul Series but is also quite different, which adds layers and nuances I really enjoyed.
Although the grumpy-sunshine didn't quite hit the spot for me, the other tropes (secrets & lies, protector, crossing the 'working relationship' line) were handled to perfection and the nuances of Angus's hidden side really added to the whole dynamic. I enjoyed Clara's independent streak, which obviously got them both into some fun situations. The suspense was handled incredibly well and definitely kept me guessing, although I think there was scope for some red herrings since I correctly inferred the antagonist quite early on.
As always, Stewart explores human difference and the scars intolerance leaves on people. It's an honest look into something I've seen judged so easily without any regard to the harm such judgement does, and I really like how the author addresses the situation and raises awarenessa bout the harm people do to each other.
Guarded Hearts is another enjoyable read from C.L. Stewart and a definite recommended read from me for anyone who enjoys spicy contemporary romance with the added bonus of the Scottish setting.
