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The Girl Who Talks to Ashes by Rachel Rener

The Book Dragon

This is not my usual read but, still, I was dragged into this story and forgot about the rest of the world. The concept is brilliant and Rener does a fantastic job of conveying the story in a slow unfolding of events.

Usually, multiple POV with head hopping and non-chronological stories are the ones that overbearingly end up on my DNF pile, but this book shows exactly how these "pet peeves" of mine can be used to write a brilliant book, and that they can work when things are done properly.

Lilah is an unusual baby, not just because her mother, Willow, is only 15. Lilah has a magical ability, but it's linked to an illness, and I really appreciate how the author brings the two together and meshes the magic into something that's an unusual representation in fantasy. I don't think I've ever seen a Fantasy MC with epillepsy before, and the way the difficulties of living with such a disease are considered in the unfolding of this story is something I definitely appreciate. It made me want to know morea bout people suffering these types of conditions, and also added a unique element to the story.

I loved every moment of this very unusual contemporary fantasy novel, and really loved the ending. There are so many layers to the closure for all the characters, and it all tied off neatly with a shiny bow.

Now, I need more like this...



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